We are extremely pleased that we will be a part of the 21st International Congress E-Nova in Pinkafeld, which will take place on November 23rd and 24th 2017, and where the Fachhochschule study center in Pinkafeld will again be a meeting place for professional exchange among experts from Austria and abroad.

The 21st International Congress E-Nova 2017 will focus on topics of general interest: the future of buildings – digitally, decentrally and ecologically.

Focusing on buildings and areas, e-nova considers sustainable technologies from an energy and environmental perspective with an annually adjusted focus. Conceived as an international scientific conference, e-nova addresses both the scientific community and professionals of a specific field. Contributions from both application-related research and development groups provide an overview of the state of scientific development and the possibilities and status of practical and marketable applicability.

Congress topics

The congress starts with the keynote speech “Energy transition and climate protection – are we really better than Trump?” by Volker Quaschning, University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin.

The main focus of the two-day congress topics will be discussed in detail in several sessions (some of them in English):

  • Digitization in building technology,
  • Low Tech Building,
  • Decentralized energy supply units,
  • Interconnection of decentralised key players and facilities,
  • LCA concepts for buildings,
  • Legal and normative developments.

The congress will be sorounded with a small trade exhibition of individual industrial companies.

Here is the detailed information on the E-Nova Congress: